Saturday, February 14, 2015

Time for Tax Justice

HSBC bank has just been caught red-handed helping some of the world's mega-rich dodge taxes! We'd go to prison for this, but governments are treating these powerful people like they're too big to jail. Let's show them they're not.

Sign the petition!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Baladarshan is a Guaranteed Fair Trade Organization by WFTO

We are happy to share that Baladarshan went through the process of Fair Trade Certification! This is a big reward to us for the involvement in a human and socially concerned trade for the last 12 years. But this not an achievement, this is just a beginning!

On behalf of WFTO, I would like to congratulate Baladarshan on the completion of the first GS Approval Cycle. Baladarshan is now a WFTO Guaranteed Fair Trade Organization. Tamara Cobussen, Guarantee System Manager