Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Shame

We just want to insure you... While Baladarshan has still its account with HSBC, ... we do not appear on the Swiss leaks list !!!  

And anyway, we decided at Baladarshan to boycott this unfair bank. Hopefully many other will follow.

We'll revert to you soon with the new data of our new account open in a "cleaner" bank, not accomplice of fraudsters.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Fair Trade applies also to phones...

The screen of your phone is made by below 14 slaves kids from Shenzhen's factories...
The tantalum that enables your phone storing data finances war and human trafficking in Central Africa...

Let's change the way phones are made, Fair Trade does not apply only to handcrafts, fruits or coffee!

A Video we like


Saturday, March 7, 2015

WFTO Asia workshop on Guarantee System

It was a great pleasure to participate in the WFTO workshop held on 24th & 25th of February 2015. WFTO workshop comprises general overview of the 10 Fair Trade principles. Furthermore, organizations can expect to learn more about the process to fill out the Guarantee System Profile and Self Assessment Report (SAR), member requirements, how to implement an Internal Monitoring System (IMS), plus more while networking with local Fair Trade organizations!
The WFTO Guarantee System (GS) is a revolutionary Fair Trade system that is credible, clear, and affordable. In 2011, the membership of the WFTO decided to develop a new type of Fair Trade system to meet the ever-growing demand for a more trustworthy Fair Trade recognition scheme in the international market.   
Developed by a group of experts in the field of Fair Trade monitoring and verification, the major aspects in the development of the GS were credibility, sustainability and robustness of the system. To achieve these three criteria, the Guarantee System has five major components: new membership admission procedure, Self Assessment Report, Monitoring Audit, Peer Visit, and the Fair Trade Accountability Watch (FTAW). The FTAW is a participative monitoring mechanism that allows the public to report compliance issues regarding Fair Trade Organizations.
The primary goal of the Guarantee System is to improve Fair Trade practices in the supply chain. It is an accountability and development tool for organizations. Carrying out all the components allows WFTO members to be more competitive and responsive to evolving markets thereby creating the potential for increased sales.
The WFTO Guarantee System is not a product certification system. It is an assurance mechanism that Fair Trade is implemented in the supply chain and practices of the organization. Members that passed the GS process attain the ‘Guaranteed Fair Trade Organization’ status and may use the WFTO Label on their products.
Baladarshan on the completion of the first GS Approval Cycle. Baladarshan is now a WFTO Guaranteed Fair Trade Organization.
Baladarshan is a network of South Indian organizations helping marginalized women by providing them with work opportunities through craft production. The organization was originally founded by social workers to provide work and income for discriminated women and their children in Chennai slum areas. Today, the organization has grown into a thriving network producing quality Fair Trade products.  We provide capacity building activities for women to improve their social and economic standing in their communities.
Baladarshan having successfully completed the first GS approval cycle, we have been working towards achieving the GS for close to 2 years to hold on to its name and fame. As a WFTO member of GS, we are obliged to submit a self-assessment report (SAR) every two years. We believe we need to invest lot of time, efforts, our resources and thought, to accomplish our goal. It’s an exciting activity for our team now on.  Regarding our overall experience, The GS process was a unique initiative for us-it was an opportunity to learn more. This was an invaluable experience as it highlighted areas we needed to work on improving in the coming months.
At first glance, the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) format appeared overwhelming. The SAR is one of the three components of the GS. It is where each member assesses their compliance with the requirements of the Guarantee System.  This is then checked through external visits (peer visits and monitoring audits).
The internal monitoring system (IMS)
The IMS is a tool that each member is required to put in place to monitor their suppliers’ compliance with the core Fair Trade Principles.
The whole internal evaluation process involved a considerable amount of dedication and attention. We understood that the IMS has greatly helped us understand our supply chain, and identified areas where improvement is needed.
Note that the IMS is a requirement but can be addressed later in the improvement plan if the member needs time to develop and implement it.
Peer assistance

We did not experience this interesting fact, but later we understood that peer visit would have served as cost-effective means to improve compliance. Apparently the GS audit went on well, by going through the GS process “it became clear to us what needed attention, and also helped us to priorities the activities for improvement.” 
Continuous improvement

The GS is a continuous cycle of compliance monitoring and verification. Baladarshan has just finished the first cycle. Areas that needed attention are identified on the improvement plan they prepared. Depending on their risk category, which influences the depths and monitoring frequency, Baladarshan will follow a schedule of alternating peer visits and external audits in the future.
Thanking you!
It was great opportunity to meet all participants, everyone in person. This workshop has been more informative, productive. We believe we have an opportunity to network globally representing the fair trade chain. 
We thank Ms.Christine Gent (Executive Director), Ms.Elise Halwley (Sustainability Coordinator) and Mr.Pradeep (the ants store) the regional offices and staff who worked tirelessly to organize this event to be another successful WFTO event.
WFTO is an amazing organization and something we really enjoyed learning more about being a part of its events
Thank you WFTO for the great opportunity!”
For Baladarshan,
Stephen Dawson
FT and Monitoring Manager